Amary Filo
I am full stack web developer and work in IT for 5 years. I have a lot of completed projects from web to mobile applications. But I choose one main sphere: Front-end. Nowadays I closely working with blockchain.
Amary Filo don't have definition. It's just random name and assosicated with animal Llama 🦙, so they become to my logo.
"Nothing is impossible in programming. In any case, there is always a search engine at hand." - amaryfiloHobbie
I create web and mobile designs. Some of this I use in my in projects. Rarely I'm playing games and stream it on Twitch or in Game Live Stream.
Interest areas
Areas that I want to learn something and work for a while.
DeFi, wallets
NodeJs, Databases
Web, mobile
Areas, frameworks, technologies, cms and packages.
Frontend spec. and frameworks for create web/mobile applications.
Packages and technologies used in applications.
Technologies for create server-side (backend) api. CMS for websites. Databases and server optimization.
CI/CD, programs and additional information.
My work, career and skills on timeline.
- Leading the frontend direction.
- Participation in the development of a crypto platform for the Web.
- Development of services for working with cryptocurrency.
- Creation of information sites and landing pages.
- Participation in evaluation and design corrections
- Learning and working with gRPC.
- Learning and working with NgiNx.
- Development of package solutions.
- Design adjustments.
- Participation in the evaluation of the development of projects and their timing.
- Creating projects on NuxtJs.
- Frontend leadership: angular, react.
- CI/CD: creating an automation on GitHub (GH Actions).
- Project management.
- Connecting various wallets to DeFi projects.
- Connection of smart contracts.
- Development of DeFi projects.
- Working with Web3Js.
- Learning and working with the React framework.
- Learning Swift and SwiftUI.
- Development of mobile applications.
- Creating Plugins for Cordova.
- Learning and working with the Ionic framework.
- Learning and working with the Angular and Angularjs frameworks.
- Exploring blockchain technology.
- Contentful app integration.
- Integration and customization of analytics on sites.
- Learning and working with the Less preprocessor.
- Learning and working with the Pug preprocessor.
- Learn and build with Hubspot: Integrate Forms into Pages and Build Landing Pages.
- Studying and transferring sites to Wordpress.
- Using OctoberCMS as the main framework for developing online stores and websites.
- Learning and working with OctoberCMS.
- Create email templates.
- Maintenance and administration of sites.
- Creation of many designs: online stores, landing pages, mobile applications and business card sites.
- Learning web and mobile design.
- Project management and development. Free choice of frameworks.
- Image optimization for file size and quality.
- Server-side project optimization: configuring Apache and Nginx.
- Website optimization: images, styles, structure and code.
- Learning Vuejs.
- Learning and using preprocessors for JS, CSS, HTML.
- Learning TypeScript.
- Development of online stores with online orders and payment.
- Connection of acquiring of various banks.
- Learning Google Analytics, Yandex Metrica and E-commerce integration.
- Creating Landing Pages.
- Creation of application forms from the site. Website development.
- Integration of analytics into projects.
- Working and learning about many different CMS systems.
Grand Media Service
- Learning develop tools.
- Creating first web pages with my own design.
- Learning basic JavaScript for web: manipulating elememts and etc.
- Learn basic PHP: send forms and e-mail, working with databases.
- Learning basic CSS.
- Learning basic HTML.
Start career
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